Since 2019, we’ve helped hundreds of candidates in tech achieve >$400M in job offers from startups and big tech companies. You get a dedicated Talent Agent to help you find, engage, and win top of market roles. We share in the upside through a % of your future income.




Breakthrough Interviewing
In the toughest job market in tech in over a decade, you need an edge. Win top of market roles with next-level interview strategies in this cohort-based course with live classes, projects, & peer workshops to help you stand out in this crowded market of qualified candidates.



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Every week, a batch of early stage founders gives a 1-minute pitch of their startup and get real-time pitch feedback from check-writing investors. The thing that holds some incredible founders back before it all clicks for their startup: storytelling.
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Helping talent in tech become more intentional with their career by becoming more informed, more fluent, and more aware about the goings-on within tech and adjacent industries.
Helping talent in tech become more intentional with their career by becoming more informed, more fluent, and more aware about the goings-on within tech and adjacent industries.
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• About Free Agency
We manage extraordinary careers. Here are a few.

Sr. Director of Product

Sr. Director of Product

Sr. Director of Product

Sr. Director of Product

Sr. Director, Marketing

Sr. Director, Marketing

Sr. Director, Marketing

Sr. Director, Marketing

Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

Sr. Software Engineer

Sr. Software Engineer

Sr. Software Engineer

Sr. Software Engineer

Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering

Director of Engineering

Director, Product

Director, Product

Director, Product

Director, Product

Creative Director

Creative Director

Creative Director

Creative Director

Head of Product

Head of Product

Head of Product

Head of Product

Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

Product Designer

Machine Learning Eng.

Machine Learning Eng.

Machine Learning Eng.

Machine Learning Eng.

Regional Director, NY

Regional Director, NY

Regional Director, NY

Regional Director, NY

Founding CTO

Founding CTO

Founding CTO

Founding CTO
We break the information and the process asymmetries holding people back from the highest levels of their career potential
We break the information and the process asymmetries holding people back from the highest levels of their career potential
• Backed by VC’s worldwide and a community of incredible angel investors, together with 30+ of our clients
• Backed by VC’s worldwide and a community of incredible angel investors, together with 30+ of our clients
• Backed by VC’s worldwide and a community of incredible angel investors, together with 30+ of our clients

Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
Free Agency’s process, network, & expert advice helped me land multiple offers. I know they’ll be a partner for the rest of my career.
Jorie Walsdorf
Head of Marketing
Free Agency knows the industry better than anyone else and guided me directly into an ideal role. It’s expertise, activity, and preparation in one package.
Jennifer Hung
Creative Director
I've been bragging about Free Agency to all of my friends. During my search, I was taking several phone screens a week from companies I would’ve loved to work for and then having to turn them down.
John Eubank
Software Engineer
From the very first communication, Free Agency's sincerity and clear determination to help me succed in the best way possibly was abundantly clear.
Darren Davis
Product Designer
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